Family culture of Mr. Carlos Eduardo Fracalozzi has always been to have an exemplary way of living based on moral values. So it was in the continuation of his legacy.
The Fraellio Group values ethically, honestly and reliably its conduct in an invaluable way. As well as:
Respect for others, the work environment, not taking advantage of anything or anyone, always having respect as a way to promote unity regardless of gender, color, religion and social class.
Excellence in doing your best to achieve satisfactory results.
Empathy to put yourself in the other's place in all circumstances.
Communication for all sides to be aligned with the same purpose.
Faithful commitment to the tasks and duties stipulated to perform.
Pioneer spirit in having extreme dedication to shape the future. We are curious and open to change, actively taking advantage of opportunities. We like to take new paths and find quick, surprising and sustainable solutions.
Mission Usefulness so that before developing any technical project, we ask ourselves about our usefulness to society and to the country.
Quality and satisfaction mean for us to meet the needs of the market and develop solutions that give us pleasure and make a difference.
Excelência em dar o máximo de si para atingir resultados satisfatórios.
Qualidade e satisfaça significam para nós conhecer as necessidades do Mercado e desenvolver soluções que nos de prazer e faça a diferença. RESPEITO
Empatia em se colocar no lugar do proximo em todas as circunstâncias.
Comunicação para todos os lados estarem alinhados com o mesmo propósito.
Comprometimento fiel com os afazeres e deveres estipulados a realizar.
Espirito Pioneiro em ter extrema dedicação para darmos forma ao futuro. Somos curiosos e abertos a mudanças, aproveitando ativamente as oportunidades. Gostamos de percorrer novos caminhos e encontrarmos soluções rápidas, surpreendentes e sustentáveis.
Antes de desenvolver qualquer projeto técnico nos questionarmos relativamente a nossa utilidade frente a sociedade a ao país.