In the industrial certification process, the audits contemplate, in their scope, the entry of the raw material until the final product is shipped.


ISO9001 - Certifies that the company must have standardized technical norms established in a quality management model for organizations in general.

FNQ Certification - Specifies quality in management as a whole. The company that has the certification has an excellent business management model.

Inmetro - It is a federal autarchy, linked to the Ministry of Economy, which acts as Executive Secretary of the National Council for Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (Conmetro), interministerial collegiate, which is the normative body of the National System of Metrology, Standardization and Quality Industrial. Its mission is to provide confidence to Brazilian society in measurements and products, through metrology and conformity assessment, promoting the harmonization of consumer relations, innovation and competitiveness in the country.

The Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo - CETESB is the State Government agency responsible for the control, inspection, monitoring and licensing of pollution-generating activities, with the fundamental concern of preserving and restoring the quality of the water, air and soil.

Fire Department License Certificate: Fire Department Inspection Certificate (AVCB), is the document issued by the Fire Department of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo (CBPMESP) certifying that, during the inspection, the building had security conditions against fire.